Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Small Moment- Detik Bermakna

Bagi sesetengah orang, menghantar anak ke sekolah pagi-pagi hari lagi, cukup boring. Ada sesetengah pula rasa cukup stress sebab nak kejar ke tempat kerja lagi. But I believe we can make that small moment meaningful.

Beginning last year, my 9 year old son and I, started a routine of making doa for one another outloud. When I first shared the idea with him, he was a bit reluctant. Dia kata "nak doa ape; macam mana nak doa; dia tak pandai doala..."
Saya bagi tau dia, "I will make the doa for you first."
Berpeluh jugak nak doa kut English!

"O Allah please bless my son, Amir. Make him a kind hearted, caring and loving boy. Bless him with good memory so that he can memorize the Quran. Make it easy for him to focus in class(He's a dreamer). Please give him the good things You have planned today and protect him from the bad things You have planned today. Give him good health(he's always sneezy). Make him the best son in the whole wide world. Amiin Ya Rabbal Alamin."

I kept the doa short and simple, using words that he could understand.

Then it was Amir's turn to make doa for me. He said the same doa with some changes here and there. I loved it when he said "Make my mum the best mum in the whole wide universe. Give her jannah and keep her away from the hell fire." Amiin.

Best sangat mulakan hari dengan anak mendoakan untuk kita. Kan Sayyidina Umar Al Khatab suka meminta kanak-kanak mendoakan untuknya.

So I hope you can make the small moment sending your kids to school more meaningful.
Kekadang ada juga hari yang Amir ngantuk dan dia minta nak doa dalam hati. Tapi selalunya bila saya bagitahu " I really love listening you say doa and I can say Amiin so many times," dia akan terus baca doa without arguing.

Ada juga masa saya mintak dia doakan untuk babanya dan abang kakak yang lain. I always tell him doa kanak-kanak special. Allah makbulkan kerana kanak-kanak suci bersih.


  1. Very true.
    Nojie baru praktik dalam tahun ni. Bila nak kejutkan Mawadda (4 tahun), baca kan dia doa dan always the same doa. Kekadang tertinggal some key word, dalam tutup mata, belum bangun dia akan sebut doa yang umi tertinggal.
    Dan untuk Muaz, bila nak hantar pergi sekolah doakan. Nampak dia akan senyum dan happy.
    Bolehlah nak juga amalkan supaya anak2 pula doa umi doa pula. Dan nak expand untuk anak2 lain juga.

  2. Semoga Muaz & Mawaddah menjadi anak yang soleh solehah. Miss them. It's been 2 mths my weekends r occupied. Hope to c them soon. Believe me Nojie, I cant begin to describe d pleasure bila dengar anak2 doakan utk kita, especially d small ones. Satu kepuasan :)
