Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Busy Bag Ideas

This afternoon I went shopping and bought 2 packets of multipurpose Velcro straps for rm1.90each. Ada 6 strap dalam satu paket. Now what can I do with them? Banyak benda kita boleh buat dengan straps ni. Yes! Another Busy Bag idea for your toddler. Encourage your child to link the straps together(kemahiran psikomotor halus)). He will have fun sticking and pulling the velcros on the straps. You should also talk to him about colours (kemahiran kognitif). Then get him to count the straps(kemahiran kognitif). You could also encourage him to match colours(kemahiran kognitif). I'm going to name this activity Chain Link. Best kan boleh buat satu lagi aktiviti untuk Busy Bag for less than rm5!!! Do tell me if your child enjoy playing with these straps.

1 comment:

  1. Kak..i love your blog..your writing..one question kak..if kat sekolah dorang belajar mengeja cara biasa..then balik rumah i ajar dia cara phonics,agak2 dorang konfius tak kak..
