For the past few years, banyak juga ibu bapa dan guru menanya saya soalan sebegini. I realized since Readeasy was published in 2001, banyak kanak-kanak kecil boleh membaca dalam B.Inggeris. Sehingga hari ini saya selalu macam tak percaya apabila guru dan ibu bapa membawa anak mereka kepada saya to show off their reading abilities. Amazing!!!
However ada juga yang merungut anak mereka tak faham sebahagian teks yang dibaca.
Lets first understand apa yang sedang dialami oleh anak tadi.
Apabila anak diajar membaca menggunakan Kaedah Fonik Gabung Bunyi(KFGB) atau synthetic phonics, anak kita mendapat kemahiran 'decode', iaitu menterjemahkan simbol(teks) kepada sesuatu yang bermakna. Dengan kemahiran ini anak kita akan dapat membaca dengan lebih lancar. Mereka dapat juga mengeja dan menulis dengan lebih tepat.
With KFGB/synthetic phonics, your child is given the opportunity to become an expert reader, speller and writer. However if you do not use the language at home, your child won't be able to understand some or a lot of the things that he reads.
To help your child understand more of what he reads, parents have to use the language at home. Talk to your child in English.
OK I know you are thinking of parking your child infront of the TV. I and many other early childhood educators believe your child will benefit more from real life conversations. TVs, Ipads, computers are great, if used moderately. You can also make a routine of reading aloud to your child. Reading aloud helps build your child's vocabulary, comprehension, and language skills.
1 comment:
My pleasure Iylia Hani.
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