Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reminder 5 : 1

Bukan mudah untuk mengajar anak kecil membaca. 
Hubungan ibu-anak atau bapa-anak atau guru-anak mesti bagus.
Kalau kita pelik kenapa anak kita lambat ok setelah merajuk, mungkin dia perlu dibelai lagi.

REMINDER 5 to 1:
Tahukah kita menurut kajian Barat, SATU perbuatan yang membawa  emosi negative memerlukan LIMA perbuatan positif untuk mengembalikan emosi positif di dalam hubungan ( Aduhai berpeluh! ).

Sekiranya hati anak kita terluka kerana kita mengabaikan panggilannya dik terasyik bermain telefon, maka kita perlu melakukan LIMA perbuatan positif seperti:
1. Merenung matanya sambil memohon maaf.
2. Memeluknya.
3. Senyum ikhlas menembusi jantung hatinya. 
4. Mengusap kepalanya.
5. Menyediakan minuman kegemarannya,
sebagai contoh.

The positive interactions don't have to be big. But each interaction has to be meaningful to the child.

Note: Tip di atas boleh juga diguna pakai suami isteri.
Walau bagaimanapun, TIDAK DIGALAKKAN membeli LIMA hadiah samada untuk anak maupun isteri.

Walaupun best dapat hadiah, namum hadiah tidak banyak memberi impak emosi yang positif.
So don't waste your money, just RECONNECT.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Anak-anak Super Powers

Bagaimana mengajar anak-anak langsang membaca? Anak-anak yang membuak-buak dengan tenaga super powers?
Pastikan terdapat ADRENALINE PLAY sebelum sesi membaca (atau sesi pembelajaran yang lain).
Main sikit-sikit tak cukup untuk anak super powers ni.
Berlari sikit-sikit pun tak cukup.

Berlumba lari, melompat di atas trampolin, pillow fight, water fight dan gomol-menggomol ( rough and tumble play ) adalah di antara contoh adrenaline play. Pastikan ada elemen keseronokan dan sedikit takut sekali gus! Barulah terpancut adrenaline!

Sekira anda guru kelas membaca, dapatkan sokongan ibu bapa untuk melakukan Adrenaline Play di rumah sebelum datang kelas kerana faktor masa.
Saya tahu ada guru yang menjadikan aktiviti melompat di atas trampolin sebagai selingan aktiviti membaca.

Dicadangkan anak-anak super powers ini melakukan adrenaline play sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari. Sesetengah yang terlajak lebih super power, memerlukan 2 kali adrenaline play dalam sehari.
Adrenaline play tidak digalakkan pada waktu hampir tidur.

Ibu bapa juga mesti menjaga diet anak-anak super power. No sugar please. No candies. No canned drinks.

Sekiranya anak-anak super power ini tidak daput menyalur keluar tenaga mereka yang membuak-buak , pasti mereka akan meragam, bad mood dan tiada fokus pembelajaran.  

Adrenaline play good for kids and and good for us!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

You Are Not Listening To Me!

Lately I've been very busy again. Between giving phonics training on weekends  and taking care of a cucu in the house! What more with my youngest, 12 year old son,  growing too fast ( to my liking ). 
There were many times he would say to me, "Ma you are not listening." " Ma you don't understand..."

And how many times have I said to him "Wait a minute" when he called me just because I had to answer whatsapp messages and questions from my FB friends?

Whoa! Time to press the PAUSE button.
Time to get connected back to him before he says, "I'm not asking you to listen to me anymore." "I'm not asking you to understand me anymore." "You are too busy."

So what did I do?
1. I put my phone or iPad down the minute he talks to me and immediately look into his eyes
Now we are sharing more stories. Laughing at jokes together. 
When he complains about how tough it is living with sisters ( he has 3 grown up sisters in the house!) who are always telling him to do this and that, I'd agree with him. I let him whine (... first ).
I let him feel safe with me. I let him feel good. I'm helping him feel calm.
I know when later I give him advice, he can take it well. 
Tak percaya cuba.

2. I make a point to PLAY with him, every day ( or every other day).
Yup we cuddle and tickle one another ( He's 12 going 13 ok. )
Allahuakbar, I felt so good! Happy! The gigglings made me feel young again too! ( Shhhh I'm 50 ... ). Aaah I could feel dopamine flowing in my blood!
And I know he's happier too.
Tak percaya cuba.

3. I now send him to school every morning. For the past year I traded places with my hubby so that I'm not rushed to prepare breakfast for him ( hubby ). 
And I truly missed the du'as that my son used to make for me in the car on the way to school.
One of his du'as was " O Allah please make my parents' work be recognized and helpful to others...
 ( Ameen. Awww so sweet kan!)

Now we are doing it again. I love it.
Do encourage your small kids to make du'a for you every day. Rasa best sangat. Tak percaya cuba.

We also do hafazan in the car. Ok he does the hafazan. I can't do it so well when driving.  You know there are so many motorbikes, left and right on Jalan Gombak. 
So I let him laugh at me when I stumbled or got stuck. Really STUCK.

4. I try my very best to be his good friend. And he my BFF.
( All my girl BFFs are big now. Two are married. So they have their new BFFs. ) 
Well it's nice to have a boy as a BF for a change. 

Alhamdulillah. I can feel we are closer to one another now. Let's keep it that way for many many more years, if not forever. Love you AHO.